The Lasso team saw a need in Bangkok, both for meeting a need for American snacks and for a positive presence in Bangkok.

The Lasso Truck aims to improve the lives of those in need in Bangkok with partnerships and having classes available for self-improvement. We’ve partnered with Banner Language Center, Lumiere Braidscape, and more to give those in need more opportunities in life.

As foreigners in Bangkok, we saw that there is a market for nostalgic treats for other visitors in this beautiful city, so we thought, let’s go with what we know. Our founder and co-founder are from Arizona and California (respectively), USA so a Western theme was natural. The menu brings in classic treats for a Thai and international audience. The result is sweet and satisfying!

It started with a need

Matthew 4:19 NLT Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

Meet the Team

  • Brigette


  • Shelby


  • Cheyenne


  • Kae